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Lomitas Elementary School Lies Yet Again

Lomitas Elementary School Claims 10.6% of Students Qualify for Special Education!

The United States Department of Education, Office for Civil Rights required Lomitas (and the Victor Elementary School District) to "review the status of ALL students who were referred to SST (Student Study Team) meetings at any district site during the 1995-96 school year" there were just eleven (11) such students. And yet, when they "applied" for the National Blue Ribbon Award from the same U.S. Department of Education, Lomitas Elementary School claimed that there were 85 (eighty-five!) students RECEIVING SPECIAL EDUCATION SERVICES! (As of Sept. 25, 1998.) While also stating that "the number of referrals to special education testing and services has DECREASED (emphasis added)" (refer to item number 12 below)! Obviously, there is something VERY wrong with this picture!

Please note the following information is a photocopy of Lomitas Elementary School's actual National Blue Ribbon Award Application with is available from the United States Department of Education through the Freedom of Information Act.

Click on image to view larger version.